
The Ezra Institute is a confessional evangelical think-tank and worldview training organization established in 2009. Our purpose is the preservation and advancement of the truth, freedom and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for the renewal of all life and culture.

Informing Faith

We equip current and emerging Christian cultural leaders with biblical worldview, Christian philosophy and cultural apologetics studies through residential training programs and print and digital resources.

Reforming Culture

Through a distinctly Christian philosophy, cultural apologetic, and biblical worldview teaching, we are working to bring all human thought and action under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and his Word, re-forming a comprehensive faith that applies to all of life, recovering and exploring the scriptural framework of a Christian mind and social order.


To see the truth, freedom and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ preserved and advanced, bringing all human life and thought under His sovereign Lordship for the transformation of families, communities and nations.


To work to this end by engaging culture with the claims of Christ and equipping current and emerging cultural leaders with biblical worldview, Christian philosophy and cultural apologetics studies through print and digital resources, conferences and training programs, recovering a message of redemption that claims all of creation as the theatre of God’s glory.

Gospel Culture

Culture is properly understood as the public manifestation of the worship of a people. As religion externalized it is the concrete outworking of what any society believes is the ultimate origin, purpose and meaning of life.

St. Paul tells us in Romans 1 that in the final analysis there are only two types of worship. The worship of the creator (Christ), or the worship of the creature (something created). When a person turns to the Lord Jesus in repentance and faith they are made new creatures (2 Cor. 5:17), their hearts being redirected towards true worship. This radical redirection necessarily means the re-creation of true culture, which the Bible calls the kingdom of God. Both the challenge and the joy of being a Christian is that we are inescapably part of this gospel culture and, though against stiff spiritual opposition, we have the privilege of being called by the Lord to be co-workers in the reconciliation of all things to God, “…for from him and through him and to him are all things…” Rom. 11:36.